About Me
Hello! My name is Adam Canosa. I’m a full-time music educator with 11 years’ experience. I’m also the developer of a game-based, adaptive music education platform known as Songcraft. I single-handedly built the initial version of Songcraft for my students as we returned from the COVID pandemic to a classroom in which we were unable to sing or play many instruments. The tool had enormous success with my students which led to my decision to pursue my Masters degree in Educational Entrepreneurship which has been instrumental (pun intended) for learning how to properly design and scale an educational innovation. My goals are to secure more funding to bring Songcraft to market by the 2024-2025 school year. I also aim to develop and carry out a research project utilizing Songcraft as an intervention. Long-term, I am interested in potentially pursuing an edD degree or working towards a Chief Innovation Officer role in a school district.

Prior Education and Personal Background
I graduated from UNC – Chapel Hill in 2012 with a Bachelor of Music degree and my k-12 teaching licensure. While at UNC, I participated in the Teaching Fellows program which gave me internship opportunities at elementary, middle and high schools. Unrelated to teaching, I also completed an internship in an assisted living community during which I helped organize events for the residents. While student teaching my senior year, I drove wings for Wings over Chapel Hill. While this didn’t provide me with classroom management techniques, it did open my eyes to the enormous disparities in living conditions and wealth opportunities for citizens of Chapel Hill. I feel as though this experience really helped me to empathize with and better understand the community I would soon come to serve.
After developing an edtech innovation and seeing its success in my classroom, I decided to look for opportunities to learn how one scales an edtech venture, and I was stoked to find out my alma mater had just the program. I began the MEITE (Masters of Educational Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship) program in the fall of 2022 part-time. During my first year of graduate school, I continued developing Songcraft and co-designing with my students. The same year, I was nominated and selected as Teacher of the Year for Hillsborough Elementary. I will finish the program in the Summer of 2024.

Fun Facts
I am an avid gamer with a deep appreciation for games as an artform. I have played video games my entire life, and while my free time is in short supply these days, I still enjoy Magic the Gathering, Mario Kart 8, and Eleven ping pong on the Meta Quest 2. I developed my first game in 2017 which was an role-playing game I designed for my students to review music theory. I am an ENTP, 7w8 personality type. While I know it isn’t an exact science, I feel as though they describe me thoroughly. I am an relentlessly optimistic, curious, and adventurous person who is quick to learn and self-motivated.
I’m also a father to two wonderful kids, Elias(8) and Nadia(4). We love to go on hikes, watch Avatar the Last Airbender, and build legos together.